Virtual Support Experience
Get concrete tools and strategies, specific for your family.
Learn how behavior works, so you can change behavior now and in the future.
A safe space to share about your parenting, ask questions and share your experiences.
Get on the same page with your partner and receive tools that will work for your children.
Individual personalized sessions.
Arranged to fit your schedule.
100% percent virtual.
Get confident in your parenting with support.
Weekend In-Home Family Intensive
Work hand in hand with Dr. Marcie for 4 months.
In-person sessions in your home for one weekend - Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!
Virtual sessions before and after the in-home weekend experience for wrap around support.
Real time support in the moments your family struggles with the most.
Get concrete tools and strategies directly from Dr. Marcie, specific for your family.
Learn how behavior works, so you can change behavior now and in the future.
A safe space to share about your parenting, ask questions and share your experiences.
Get on the same page with your partner and receive tools that will work for your children.
Individual personalized sessions.
Arranged to fit your schedule.
Get confident in your parenting with support.