I’m sharing my secret ingredient
I want to share my big aha moment of the week…
Tuesday I had a session with my therapist. I love having a space to reflect and process my life…that is probably a different email topic 🙂
I was talking about a speaking engagement I did about a week ago. I held a critical conversation for a corporate organization. Supporting the staff with some big feelings. When I do these types of sessions it is important to balance each person’s experience with the fact that we are in a professional environment…it can be a bit of a fine line to walk.
My therapist asked me how I thought it went.
The answer I shared surprised me. I said, “All I did was hold them with love.”
As the words came out, so did tears. It was like I had uncovered some big truth – I teach about love. The exercises were there to help people connect to their hearts. The frameworks to shed light on how to move through hard moments with compassion. The answers I shared when asked questions were about how to find self-love and move from there.
Throughout the entire session, I held love in my heart for each person and their unique experience.
I think of myself as a behaviorist. I share tools and strategies to help people change one small step at a time.
What I realized is that what I really do is help people love (themselves, their family, their work, their life) one small step at a time, using action steps. This is my secret ingredient – LOVE!
Maya Angelou said – “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
This is the core of the work I do. Allowing people to feel love and then help them find it themselves…all coded in action steps that feel accessible.
My therapist often pushes me. So after this realization settled in, she asked, “What do you want to do with this big aha?”
I furrowed my brow and jokingly asked, isn’t the realization enough for one day.
She just looked at me and waited. She knows that when I uncover something new about myself, it is followed with action.
I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and spoke without thinking too hard. I said, “I want to do a webinar about my secret ingredient. I don’t usually talk about love directly and think it is time for that to change. I want to build the connection with the strategies I share and how they are about love.”
She smiled and then asked, “When?”
I shook my head, knowing she was asking me to create a plan. At the moment I was overwhelmed with this idea. Now I see the wisdom. It would have been so easy for me to not share this story, to not do the webinar, to quietly have this realization and keep doing what I have been doing. Creating the plan makes me accountable to taking the risk of sharing what feels really aligned for me.
“Next week!” I said it before I realized what I said. I then tried to take it back. But I know that when I say things like this in therapy, it is the right answer for me…even if I don’t want to admit it.
Next week I am doing a webinar to share my secret ingredient!
My plan is to do 30 minutes of content – keeping it short and sweet and accessible. We are all busy and 30 minutes sitting in love may be enough. Then I will stay on for questions and conversation if you have questions.
This needs to be easy for me and for you 🙂
No registration, no investment.
Yes it will be recorded, yes invite your friends.
Here are the details:
This already happened…so you can catch the replay on my YouTube channel!
Hope to see you there!
The golden nugget for you this week:
1. Love is the core of everything I have shared with you – every tool, every strategy, every framework, and every story.
2. Love belongs everywhere. It is not something to be held just for romantic relationships, family, or dear friends. There are lots of different kinds of love and it is about finding the right version for each moment.
3. You are capable of feeling loved and letting others feel loved by you with action steps!
I hope to see you at the webinar on December 6th or hear how the recording resonated with you.
I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving full of people, food, and adventures that filled your heart.
I hope that my begin brave inspires you to be brave and share something new and evolving from your life with people you care about!
Thank you for being part of my community and a space where I can boldly share! I am so grateful for you!