Facing the Hard Stuff
There is no easy way to face our flaws.
Facing our flaws while we are alone and in a quiet room may feel uncomfortable. Facing our flaws while we are out with a friend having a glass of wine may feel comforting. Facing our flaws while in the face of someone who claims to have the solution may feel terrifying. Facing your flaws that have affected your small beings may feel near impossible.
My work – be it private sessions, workshops, online courses or this blog – hits on an an extremely sensitive nerve. There is simply no way around that!
So, I have three things to share with you that might ease your hesitation:
1. Christopher Robin said it best: You are braver than you believe, strong than you seem and smarter than you think. This is not just about our small beings – it applies to you also!
2. Doing the super hard, nearly impossible work of facing your flaws will be the best gift that you can give your small being. Model for them the truism that hard work pays off. Show them that it is okay to be scared and to keep going. You can do this. I have faith that you can ask for help in the area that feels like the hardest place to improve.
3. You are your harshest critic! Be more kind to yourself because you are doing the best you can with the tools that you have. Right now, today, just as you are — you are AMAZING!! (Tweet)
Ideas into Action:
Look in the mirror and say “I’m amazing” five times. Do this while your arms are open wide in a victory stance. I know, yes, it is cheesy…but try it anyway!
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