How to Be Positive in Your Parenting!
Last week was a friends birthday. As a gift I got her a huge bunch of balloons. Living in New York City, I walk for most of errands.
Yes, you got the picture right, I was walking down the street with huge bunch of balloons. Did I mention that one of them was a singing balloon? Yup, it sings Happy Birthday, loud and clear. So I was walking down the street with a huge bunch of balloons playing Happy Birthday.
New Yorkers can be really friendly, especially when you carry lots of balloons. So many people wished me happy birthday. Others just smiled at the balloons. I smiled back. I said thank you for the birthday wishes.
Honestly, mostly I laughed at myself as I bopped along the way to my friends festivities. It was such a great adventure and the birthday party had not even started yet!
When was the last time you had such an adventure? When was the last time you created this type of adventure with your small beings?
Finding positive moments to have fun is critical to creating a happy family and raising amazing kids. Some adults, are not so great at seeing the opportunities for excitement. If that is you, this weeks blog is especially for you!
This week I read Part 3 from my new book Love Your Family Again. Some side commentary and interjections are made to bring the chapter to life!