The sun has been shining warmly, the flowers are in full bloom and beings of all sizes are starting to get summer fever. Schools are winding down and the change of pace summer brings can be felt everywhere. Summer is a time when there can be more flexibility in schedules but that does not mean that it is a time to let negative behaviors slip in. Make sure that the transition to summer maintains the positive behavior patterns you have been working on all year!
Build in consistency during this period of transition. Maybe it means making sure family dinner happens every night or keeping regular play dates with school friends or bringing a favorite toy along as you travel away from home. What brings consistency will be unique to each family. Once you know what it will be, highlight it to your small being. Highlighting can be a simple as saying, “Wow, isn’t _____ just like during the school year!”
Make time for more outdoor adventures all beings are craving. Create time for the activities you all want: more time at the playground or barbecues outside or hiking in the woods. Whatever it is that you and your small or medium beings enjoy doing together, schedule it in. Make it part of the plan and discuss the plan with your small and medium beings. Do not add it in as something that is the result of your small beings nagging or whining or repetitive asking.
Continue to mean what you say and say what you mean. As you may know, this is one of my three behavioral phrases to live by. As things around your small being are transitioning, let your word be a consistent force. This provides an important layer of trust and ease. As changes come this summer, continue to mean what you say and experience smoother transitions than ever before.
It is an exciting time of the year. Face it with positive and proactive strategies!